Pu. Amitbhai P Jani got steeped into this culture and took to spiritualism and astrology with utmost seriousness, and giving new dimensions to his father’s dream he took his father’s mission far; and wide and even beyond the frontiers of the country.

The Bhagavad Gita, often referred to as the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata, commonly dated to the second century BCE. The Gita is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Krishna.

The Shiva Purānam is one of the eighteen major Purāna genre of Sanskrit texts in Hinduism, and part of the Shaivism literature corpus. It primarily centers around the Hindu god Shiva and goddess Parvati, but references and reveres all gods.

Astrologer Pu.Amitbhai P Jani is one of the best astrologer having good practice in India and Abroad, He mastered in Horoscope, Vastu ststra, Bhagawat Katha, Ram Katha, Shiv Mahapuran Katha etc. His premier clients is from USA, Australia, Europe , China as well as all over the India.
He is expert in Mathematical calculation, quick response and many more but in spite of that a good astrologer much have his Guru’s Blessings. so that his father Pu. Prikshit Jani has from his gurus.
you can find him online on the social network. on facebook with 5 thousand listeners, he communicates live with his clients. The social platform makes him available for your astrological guidance on a daily basis.
Born in the family of the great scholar of Vedas and Astrology Shri Prakashit Jani got the spiritual and astrological atmosphere around him as a family inheritance. He is a world-renowned astrologer with over 30 years of experience in the field of Astrology. His clientele spans over countries from all the continents of the world and belongs to various religions. His clients are always amazed by the accuracy of his predictions and swear by them.
Shri Prakashit Jani has the rare quality of reaching out to his clients, and being able to guide them in the most critical of circumstances and situations. His endearing ways of resolving the most intricate situations with ease and helping you with his apt counseling in times of need, makes him the most sought after astrologer of our times.